Uğur Yılmaz

Beşiktaş · Istanbul,Turkey · ugur@uguryilmaz.dev

I am a Software Engineering student at Bahçeşehir University. Also, i am studying Industrial Engineering as double major program.



Long Term Internship

A REST API project was assigned to me and I developed Netas Authorization Portal with PHP and Javascript to authorize and unauthorize Netaş Employees in Jira, Stash and Fisheye Crucible platforms. In this project, i used PHP and Javascript

September 2019 - December 2019


Full Stack Web Development Internship

E-Commerce, B2B Customer / Dealer Platforms, M-Commerce, Business Workflow Management, Customer Loyalty Management, Real Estate Reservations, Content Management, and B2B Mobile Projects

March 2019 - May 2019

Arzum Electrical Home Appliances

IT Department Intern (*COOP Intern)

I was responsible eBA project which is used for digitalizing company forms and workflows. It is C# based. Also, I was responsible of:

  • Design and management of workflows with Document Management and Workflow system
  • Document Management and Workflow system and ERP software MS Dynamics AXAPTA integration
  • Support for other operations being carried out in the Information Technologies Department

October 2017 - June 2018


Software Engineering

Bahçeşehir University
Bachelor Program

GPA: 3.19

September 2015 - Present

Industrial Engineering

Bahçeşehir University
Double Major Program

GPA: 3.12

February 2017 - Present

İstiklal Makzume Anatolian High School

GPA: 3.40



Programming Languages & Tools


I am energetic 4th year student who have a hectic workload each term. I strive tirelessly to achieve. In the winter or summer, I am an avid cyclist. I enjoy biking. I spend a large amount of my free time following the latest technology news in the software development world.



SEN3006-Software Architecture Course Spring 2019 Semester Project

A simple website based on *ASP.NET Core that allows its’ visitors to rate pictures of cats with two options to select from, a “meow” button for like and “not” for dislike. The website has three main pages: “Home”, where a random cat photo will be shown from the database. “Upload” where users can upload photos of their cats to be rated by visitors. “Top 10” which lists the top ten most liked cats from the webpage. Photos will be stored in the server and a MSSQL database will be used to store “id”, “total_up , “total_down” and “total_score”. The total score is a number and will be calculated usingTotalUp -TotalDown. The website will feature a dark mode for brightness and colour sensitive users as well as a lite mode for low bandwidth users.

April 2019 – still

Gezdir IO

ENM4001-Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Course Fall 2018 Semester Project

This Project includes business plan and financial plan of Gezdirio.com which will start a new era for tourists and tourist guides. The application is agent between tourist and tourist guides and providing information about touristic places and trip recommendation for tourists .

Oct 2018 – Dec 2018

CIFS Capstone Project

SEN4999 Fall 2019 Capstone Project

The aim of this project is to design a system for fetching data from Satellite and eliminate noisy voice by Artificial Intelligence, get clear images after decoding voice signals.

Oct 2019 – Dec 2019

Social Media App

Side Project

Firebase-React Full Stack Project, A social Media Platform, users can sign/in/up/out and posts a "scream". Likes and comments send with notifications to users. As soon as the project will be finished.

Jan 2020 – Presents



Yazı gelecek

Star Wars App

Yazı gelecek

